Augsburg MENU

Cross-Mentoring Augsburg

Together towards mixed leadership

Short and sweet

Cross-Mentoring Augsburg is the cross-company mentoring program in and around Augsburg. With our cross-mentoring Augsburg, we not only offer you a tested tool for cross-company management and talent development, but also a platform for exchanging experiences across company boundaries.

Mayor Eva Weber is the patron of the program. Cooperation partners of the Augsburg Cross-Mentoring are the Equal Opportunities Office and the Economic Development Agency of the City of Augsburg, the Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH and amore augsburg.


Target group

For one year, women and men in first management positions or in the decision-making phase between a specialist and management career and innovative Augsburg founders (mentee target group) are supported and encouraged by experienced managers (mentors from at least middle management) from other companies participating in the program. The tandems act independently and define their goals and measures individually. Lectures, fireside chats, networking events and a target group-specific workshop program form the framework.


Well established in the Augsburg region

The first round started with 5 companies. In the meantime, 26 companies and 7 start-ups have sent over 150 mentees and mentors to the program and over 130 events have taken place. The program is not only an innovative method for talent and management development, but also offers an extraordinary platform for a cross-company and non-hierarchical dialogue on topics such as leadership in transition, innovation, design thinking, etc. in the Augsburg region.

The 12. round of cross-mentoring Augsburg started on September 22th, 2022 with 28 mentees and mentors from 15 companies and 3 startups.


Startups in Cross-Mentoring Augsburg

Once again innovative founders have the chance to apply for a place in cross-mentoring Augsburg. The winners of the competition will be accompanied and supported for the duration of one program year by a mentor, an experienced executive from a cross-mentoring company in Augsburg.

"Startups in Cross-Mentoring Augsburg" is a joint initiative of Cross Consult and the economic development agency of the city of Augsburg.

This networking with the Augsburg start-up scene and various networking events creates added value for both established companies and startups.


Interested? Become part of the company pool of cross- mentoring Augsburg


In September 2023, the 13th round of cross-mentoring Augsburg will start.

All important information about our cross-mentoring Augsburg can be found here as a pdf download:

At a glance - compact documets CMA13


If you have any questions about cross-mentoring in Augsburg, the program manager, Annina Zogg, will be happy to help.

We cordially invite you to expand the Augsburg cross-mentoring network!



[Translate to Englisch:] Das Cross-Mentoring Augsburg ist zertifiziert durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mentoring (DGM).

Startups involved so far:

  • Corporate Health Club
  • Hopper Mobility
  • meteoIntelligence
  • Reonic GmbH
  • Second Flowers
  • SESES Drinks
  • Studio Luo



... to cross-mentoring Augsburg

"As Stadtwerke Augsburg (swa), we are strongly connected to our region and therefore particularly appreciate the regional network character of cross-mentoring, in addition to the many other positive aspects of cross-company mentoring. Since 2015, we have been offering (future) female – and occasionally male – executives the opportunity to act as mentees and get suggestions from their mentors from other companies. Networking with each other, thinking outside the box, getting new ideas for your own actions and openly reflecting on your own situation is what the mentees in cross-mentoring particularly appreciate. It goes without saying that our mentors also appreciate this networking and exchange and benefit from it. Thanks to the familiarity that has developed among the coordinators over the years, experiences on other topics can also be exchanged - mostly bilaterally. And the opportunity that has existed since 2020 to get in touch with start-ups is an additional benefit for us as swa, especially with regard to strengthening the region".

Lydia Pawlowski, Head of Personnel Development, swa

Contact Us

Cross Consult GbR

Bavariaring 43
80336 München

T: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 0
F: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 10