Training MENU

Training - "Yes and" instead of "Yes but" (Kopie 1)

In our training courses and seminars, we not only teach, but also reflect, experiencea and practice. We don't scratch the surface, we look behind it - with a broad didactic spectrum. Together we work on a successful change and flexibilisation of behaviour and experience.

We offer classic seminars, workshops, but also a wide variety of virtual formats and multi-part training programs.



Our didactic building blocks

- Group work - Partner work - Individual work - Collegial case advice - Methods from improvisational theater - Role-playing games - Impulse lectures - Plenary discussions - Experience-oriented methods - Systemic constellations - Psychological tests - Imaginary journeys - Mindfulness exercises -



Personal development & Female Leadership


Gender & diversity

Gender and diversity competence for executives

  • Gender and diversity skills for executives, basic training, 1 day
  • Perceive competencies and ensure team success, 1 day
  • Avoiding unconscious bias: Knowing and avoiding stereotypes in leadership, 1 day


Gender and diversity competence for HR managers

  • Basic training, gender and diversity skills for HR managers, 1 day
  • Recognising potential and avoiding stereotypes in personnel selection and assessment, 1 day
  • Diversity management in companies: concepts and implementation, 1.5 days
  • Basis.Training.Mixed leadership: Basics and competencies


Gender and diversity skills for project staff/mentees/mentors

  • Communicating successfully in a team: Knowing and avoiding communication traps, 1 day

We offer all seminars as in-house events and will be happy to develop the right offer for your target group in the company in the area of ​​Gender & Diversity.



Seminars for mentees

  • Introduction as a mentee, basic training, 0.5 days


Seminars for mentors

  • Counseling skills for mentors, basic training, 0.5 days
  • Counseling Competence II for experienced mentors, 0.5 days


Seminars for personnel

  • Implement mentoring as a personnel development tool in the company, 1 day












Contact Us

Cross Consult GbR

Bavariaring 43
80336 München

T: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 0
F: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 10