Cooperation MENU


Continuous dialogue with our partners for our customers

We consciously rely on the exchange and dialogue with public institutions and scientific institutions. This enables us to provide our customers with scientific developments in a timely and direct manner. At the same time, we can feed back practical experience and have it measured quantitatively and qualitatively.

Frankfurt upon the Main

In keeping with tradition, the mayor of the City of Frankfurt, Peter Feldmann, took over the patronage of the Frankfurt Regional Mentoring in 2012. Within the city of Frankfurt, the regional Frankfurt mentoring is successfully supported by the women's department of the city of Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Economic Development Agency.

Amore Augsburg

For our cross-mentoring programme for founders, we cooperate with Amore Augsburg and together we create a broad network between established companies and start-ups.

StartUps in Cross-Mentoring Augsburg


The patronage of the mayor Dr. Kurt Gribl for the Cross-Mentoring Augsburg was an important trigger and the starting point for the cooperation between Cross Consult and the city of Augsburg. The establishment and anchoring of cross-mentoring Augsburg is a common concern of both institutions.

Regio Augsburg Economy GmbH

Within the framework of cross-mentoring in Augsburg, Cross Consult cooperates with Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH, the business development agency of the city of Augsburg and the two districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg. One field of activity of the GmbH is, among other things, the securing of skilled workers in the "Economic Area Augsburg A³".

Information on the economic area and the activities of the GmbH can be found at

[Translate to Englisch:] Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Klagenfurt univeristy

In 2012, the University of Klagenfurt carried out a study on "Energy in Mentoring". Mrs. Ass. Prof. Dr. Ursula Liebhardt surveyed 212 participants and 66 tandems in the cross-mentoring programs in Munich and Frankfurt and analyzed the success factors for mentoring tandems. This gave us a further scientifically based insight into the dynamics of mentoring programs and we can incorporate this knowledge into our offers, programs and advice.

Press release Cross-mentoring study confirms effectiveness



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Cross Consult GbR

Bavariaring 43
80336 München

T: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 0
F: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 10