It's actually quite simple: people with similar interests join forces to find out more, to promote topics and to support each other. An everyday process. Men do it as a matter of course, because networking has always been part of corporate systems, which, however, should not be forgotten are shaped by men.
Die Etablierung von Frauennetzwerken ist daher erst einmal etwas systemfremdes. Warum müssen sich Frauen plötzlich vernetzen? Das fragen sich nicht nur Männer, sondern meist die Frauen selbst. Na, und warum werden die Netzwerke in Frage gestellt? Weil Frauen nicht gegen Männer agieren wollen, auch wenn sie von Männernetzwerken meist ausgeschlossen sind. Das ist allerdings keine Böswilligkeit der Männer, sondern zeigt einfach, dass Frauen gar nicht mitgedacht werden, und natürlich in reinen Männerrunden stören.
The establishment of women's networks is therefore initially something alien to the system. Why do women suddenly have to network? It's not just men who ask this, but mostly women themselves. Why are the networks questioned? Because women don't want to act against men, even if they are mostly excluded from men's networks. However, this is not malevolence on the part of the men, but simply shows that women are not considered at all and are of course disruptive in purely male groups.
In order for women's networks to be successful in the long term, it is important not to constantly discuss "if" but to put all your energy into "how". For the start of a women's network, Cross Consult supports the setting of goals, the conception and provides ideas for the design of the "how".
Here, too, the following applies: the more resolutely a project is pushed forward, the more likely it is to be successful. Would you like to set up a network or need support in further developing an existing network? As experts in the field of networks, we would be happy to advise you on setting up and expanding a network in your company.
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