With active membership, we enter into an exchange with specialist colleagues, which allows us to use a wide range of synergies. We are working on continuously updating the quality standards in mentoring and coaching.
Simone Schönfeld, Managing Director at Cross Consult, is a founding member and part of the board of directors of the German Society for Mentoring (DGM). The primary goal of the DGM is to establish comprehensive quality standards for mentoring based on years of expertise. These standards are, of course, also the basis for all of Cross Consult's mentoring activities.
As a leading provider of mentoring programs, Cross Consult has been actively involved in the development of a certification process for mentoring providers by the DGM since 2001. Cross Consult also maintains a sustained exchange with other providers in the field of mentoring by participating in nationwide specialist conferences of the DGM and thus constantly contributes to improving the quality of a wide variety of mentoring programs in the long term.
Dr Nadja Tschirner, Managing Director at Cross Consult, is an active member of the "Metatheorie der Change" portal, whose goal is to generate targeted effectiveness on a common theoretical basis and to work sustainably. The consultants and coaches who come together under this umbrella are characterized above all by the fact that they work independently of fast fads and the search for simple solutions. They are united by the endeavor to use a variety of consulting techniques, interventions and tools that are situation-, context- and customer-specific, which bundle and integrate the effective procedures of many different forms of consulting.
The focus here is the realisation that thinking in either/or too quickly restricts the search for suitable solutions in change processes and that an understanding of the causes and background of many problems cannot even arise.
Bavariaring 43
80336 München
T: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 0
F: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 10