Frankfurt MENU

Regionales Frankfurt mentoring

Strenghten Potentials – establish mixed teams

In 2008 we started the "Frankfurt Regional Mentoring," a cross-mentoring program for female leaders. Currently between 20 and 30 tandems from around 10 companies take part in this special form of executives` development. The patron of the program is Peter Feldmann, Mayor of the City of Frankfurt.

For one year, women in starting leadership positions (mentees) will be supported and assisted by experienced executives (mentors) of other companies involved in the program.

The tandems act independently by setting their own goals and measures, such as coaching, consulting and networking individually. Lectures, fireside discussions, feedback sessions and workshops form the frame of the program.

If you are interested in offering cross company mentoring to your female executives in Frankfurt, please contact us.

Contact Us

Cross Consult GbR

Bavariaring 43
80336 München

T: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 0
F: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 10