In 2010, we launched the Memorandum for women in leadership positions (MFF). Already 17 major companies have signed the pledge. They all want to systematically bring more women in leadership positions.
These include:
After ten years of cross-mentoring activity done by Cross Consult, an important step towards more "diversity" was hence done.
In cooperation with companies already participating several years at cross-mentoring programs in Munich, we worked out a Memorandum, which allows a closer approach to the topic of "mixed leadership".
If you wish to join the Memorandum and so benefit from the companies exchanges and dialogues on “mixed leadership”, please contact us.
More details on the Memorandum for women in leadership positions and the corresponding activities and actions can be found here:
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80336 München
T: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 0
F: 0049 (0)89/4 52 05 26 - 10